Theme Overview:

Sustainable Business Activity

The plans for companies are focused on promoting sustainable and circular business operations, collaboration and knowledge sharing, and scaling up sustainable business parks. The initiative includes awareness campaigns, financial instruments, and the development of a marketplace for raw materials.

Mission pathways under theme Sustainable Business Activity:


Energy and smart grids


Collaboration and knowledge sharing


Sustainable and circular business operations


Scaling up sustainable business parks


Healthy green working environment


Sustainable mobility and logistics

There are 54 post-its that were stuck by residents on this topic during the climate conferences.

Bring people together; a group motivates. Large companies involve and engage educational campuses: lowering the first, second, and third barriers.

Water management in Eindhoven can be more sustainable; by doing this effectively, it will also be more circular—using existing pipes.

The lack of obligation is too great; there must be rules about WHAT! is being produced— back! to the USE! of production.

Trams Metro

"Obliging" to mine new knowledge instead of letting everyone reinvent their own wheel.

Reducing consumption!

Encourage more collaborations with sustainable companies and universities to persuade them to relocate to the area.

First save heat and energy, then reuse heat.

Companies and the government must take the lead. Behavioral change will follow as a result.

Public disclosure of progress towards climate neutrality

Stimulating the protein transition

There are many jobs for highly educated people to create more, faster, and cheaper phones and TVs, but (virtually) none for making better heat pumps or electric cars or CO2 capture devices.

Climate citizens' assembly

Standardization for companies; laws + regulations

Using thorium / Nuclear fission

Mandatory (roof) gardens/wind turbines and solar panels

Electric bus transport for employees to industrial areas

Joint Venture Ennatuurlijk; Service agreement for 6% return for pension fund; municipal pipes; management contract; Ennatuurlijk receives money for waste idea central pension fund <— heat war

Sustainable production

Regulating water consumption together with Brabant Water in discussion about reusing water from industry.

Clarity on the roadmap—knowing what the steps are to be taken in the future. Leadership and investment plans.

Large users like ASML, Philips, and DAF generate their own energy sustainably. They also have the resources for this.

Grow ASML also outside our region!

Stronger public sector—too many conflicting lobbying interests

Polluters should pay.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

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What if we succeed?

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