Theme Overview:

Vital City Center

The plan for the city center focuses on improving livability through sustainable building with biobased materials, greening public spaces, promoting climate-neutral mobility, and encouraging circular consumption. Communication strategies will be employed to raise awareness and inspire others.

Mission pathways under theme Vital City Center:


Story of Vital City Centre


(Forward) development of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials


Sustainability of public space in the city center


Towards climate-neutral mobility in the city center


Circular city center and sustainable consumption

There are 87 post-its that were stuck by residents on this topic during the climate conferences.

Tiles out of the city as much as possible. Green walking paths.

More social spaces in buildings/high-rises

Can we store heat in the summer and use it in the winter?

Make landlords/housing construction responsible too, not just the individual.

Eindhoven is a workplace, not a place to stay. Eindhoven lacks outdoor space designed for BEING.

Testing with mobile green bins at Woenselse market

Common facilities. Bathrooms, gardens, shared household appliances.

Green facades and roofs for insulation, beauty, against CO2.

More tiny houses in nature, also for the elderly.

No parking spaces to be created for residential towers in the city center.

New construction is low-hanging fruit -> Mandate biobased, water & energy circularity.

Landlords should not invest here -> Get rid of them!

They are building ASML, shouldn't there be construction of houses?

Demand for concrete measures to support/motivate residents instead of various research agencies, after which the demand for funding is exhausted before anything is done.

No heating network: NO growing green to burn for electricity/heat. That is counterproductive.

More nature leads to better water retention in the soil. Every resident should have a tree and a rain barrel to collect water. This way, you have water during dry periods.

Making the biogenic component applicable in MPG

Bio-based may well be further stimulated: Rules can be frustrating.

Max 10% of public space for cars.

Combination of construction + greenery as on Strijp S

Relax regulations for monumental houses to better contribute to sustainability.

Organic vegetable gardens in public spaces

Is biobased stable, can it withstand natural disasters?

Fewer cars in the city and parked on the street, more bicycles and public transport.

Public transport buses also in the evening/weekend.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

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