

Other projects where Rabobank works on:






Brabant Renovates Naturally Together: organizing chains for the benefit of biobased building materials.


€ 420.000,00




Residents involved?

Yes (individual)

Mission Pathways

Representatives of Rabobank are committed to the following mission pathways:


(De)velopment of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials in the neighborhoods

In redevelopments and renovations in our neighborhoods, we will ensure that this is carried out in a biobased, circular, and climate-neutral manner.


(Forward) development of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials

The city centers of Helmond and Eindhoven have a significant urbanization challenge. All new homes that we add will be built in a biobased, circular, and climate-neutral way.


Energy and smart grids

Business parks are large consumers of energy. Sustainable energy from solar and wind is increasingly being generated. By managing demand in combination with storage and a so-called 'smart grid', this can be better aligned with supply.


Everyone can participate.

Sustainable solutions must be affordable and available to everyone, regardless of one’s place of residence, background, or income.


Scaling up sustainable business parks

Sustainability of a business park requires a collective approach. This means cooperation between entrepreneurs (association), property owners, suppliers, advisors, and the government.


Story Livable Neighborhoods

Outline the perspective for livable neighborhoods in 2030-2040-2050.


Story of Vital City Centre

Outline the perspective for a vibrant city center in 2030-2040-2050.


Sustainable and circular business operations

A sustainable and circular economy focuses on reducing consumption, production, and the reuse of products, materials, and raw materials. Companies play an important role in this.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

For more information: eindhovenduurzaam.nl/klimaatmissie or www.heelhelmondduurzaam.nl

For questions and/or comments you can send an email to: duurzaamheid@eindhoven.nl or energietransitie@helmond.nl

What if we succeed?

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