Theme Overview:

Liveable Neighbourhoods

The plan for livable neighborhoods emphasizes the sustainability of homes, the use of sustainable building materials, greening public spaces, ensuring inclusivity, promoting climate-neutral mobility, and fostering a circular economy. These plans will be communicated through targeted campaigns.

Mission pathways under theme Liveable Neighbourhoods:


Story Livable Neighborhoods


Scaling up the new normal in the neighborhoods


(De)velopment of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials in the neighborhoods


Sustainability of public space in the neighborhoods


Everyone can participate.


Towards climate-neutral mobility in the neighborhoods


Circular neighborhoods and sustainable consumption

There are 87 post-its that were stuck by residents on this topic during the climate conferences.

Address emissions on Leenderweg!

Make waste separation easier for apartment residents

Insight into what happens to what you lose.

Municipal partnership with Eindje Groen

Transform parking spaces into green gardens with hedges and shrubs.

Per neighborhood: Power, internet, food supply

Books with inspiration: Pass-it-on books Possible purchase via the municipality

Repair Café

Household electrical convenience appliances no longer replaced -> Do it yourself again -> Heating can be lower by degrees

Symbolic start day of the climate mission 2030. Tree and green planting day in both private and public spaces.

Less pruning -> Large trees -> Cooler and greener

Only leases land (50 years) but does not sell! (example: Maasvlakte)

Social return of ecotax for companies Investing in comfort so energy poverty You ARE allowed to establish yourself in Brainport

Checklist of measures/living rules to take. What --> ? What does it result in for residents and the environment?

No VAT on vegetables and fruit

Healthy air quality, despite industrial area ('t Ven vs. asphalt plant KWS)

Car sharing

Municipality can stimulate more CPO projects. Living/sharing together in almost all respects.

Remove all/almost all excess TILES in public spaces (sidewalks, etc.)


Working towards understanding & insight + courses of action. Forms of dialogue that create connections instead of polarizing.

Consider facilities for car-free renovations. - Borrow a cargo bike? - Have bulky waste/old metal picked up?

Do not punish, impose fines for not separating, but ask why it is not working.

Work with supermarkets to create sections dedicated to selling only local products. Subsidize.

No large plastic waste bins that we can only fill 1/4 of the month and take up part of the garden.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

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What if we succeed?

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