Mission Overview:


Climate jobs

For the transition to a sustainable economy, people are needed with new knowledge and skills. This applies to construction, the energy transition, and the greening of existing homes. This requires appropriate training programs, both in vocational and scientific education. There are also pathways needed to retrain people or to impart knowledge about sustainability.

Promote the use of untapped labor potential and accelerate the employability of students.
Looking for creative solutions such as stacking courses, crash courses, and different regulations (student funding).
Using a skills pass: who am I, what can I do, what do I want?
Starting from lifelong learning and working (18-75 years), work in combination with talent guidance and modular flexible education.
Promote sustainability themes in education.

Projects contributing to this mission:






This is a collaboration between the labor market region Helmond de Peel, Southeast Brabant, and Brainport Development. The task: there is sufficient suitable, flexible, and inclusive talent in the Brainport region to enable the transitions for Climate Adaptation, Energy, and the Circular Economy (KEC). A Human Capital Agenda for KEC transitions is being developed for this purpose. This provides insight into the necessary (future) regional labor market demand, the required activities and resources to meet this demand, and brings focus. Initiatives and partners are also connected to each other. There is a goal towards one regional agenda from a partnership between education, government, employers, employees, and implementation institutions. Attention is given to the specific labor market tasks of each labor market region and the socioeconomic profile of both labor market regions. If necessary, interventions will be developed/stimulated per labor market region. In the spring of 2024, this should lead to an established Human Capital Agenda, after which targeted work can begin on the implementation. It concerns an independent assignment from the AMRs, which proceeds according to the public decision-making procedures applicable there. We would like to incorporate what has been gathered in the Climate Mission process and ensure that those who registered for our process are involved.


€ 60.000,00



Residents involved?







Climate jobs are jobs that arise in, among others, the technical sector as a result of the energy transition. There is a significant shortage of personnel in this sector. Additionally, the types of jobs created are very diverse: from solar panel installers to cleanup assistants to enable insulation to be installed. The Climate Jobs Project aims to connect job seekers with these jobs. It is being investigated whether a neighborhood-oriented approach is feasible and desirable.



Residents involved?

Yes (individual)

There are 30 post-its that were stuck by residents on this topic during the climate conferences.

Explain the importance of sustainability in the field.

Deploy efficiently. Make entire neighborhoods sustainable all at once (NVDE)

More education about how things work in the real world. This makes people aware of it and motivates them to take action.

Tough choices regarding sectors. Yes: Energy transition, public transport No: Agriculture, aviation

Business lectures to be given at schools.

Besides transferring knowledge, also show how behavior should change. Attitude towards change.

Clothing vouchers. With these, you can buy new clothing. Everyone receives a certain number per year, and with that, you can buy a certain amount of new clothing. When these are used up, you have to start buying second-hand, and these are often in great or nearly new condition. If you donate or sell your clothing to a thrift store, you also get something in return.

Stimulating the choice of technical professions

Remove all (livestock) farmers and retrain those people.

Truly working on the perspective of young people; standing alongside young people.

Make it cool for young people. Collaborate with student teams, innovation labs at educational institutions, and young startups.

Honest education about sustainability + climate crisis in primary school

Provide more information. Motivation from within.

Taking language into account (backlogs); Bring to groups that we are currently missing.

Climate citizen's assembly

Do not force anything, encourage those who want to. Highlight the benefits (!)

Social service obligation

Easier transition through traineeships, also from other work areas.

Matching - let people in and select more based on passion than resume.

Make people more aware of what seasonal products are and encourage their use.

If someone wants to retrain for a climate job or for example 50/50 financial contributions from the business sector or government

Set a good example as a municipality.

Clarity about concrete possibilities for climate jobs. And a positive image of contributing to a better world.

Free or paid retraining for energy jobs. (electrician, installer, etc.)

Works in its own environment, hires local staff.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

For more information: eindhovenduurzaam.nl/klimaatmissie or www.heelhelmondduurzaam.nl

For questions and/or comments you can send an email to: duurzaamheid@eindhoven.nl or energietransitie@helmond.nl

What if we succeed?

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