

Other projects where Volantis works on:






Climate jobs are jobs that arise in, among others, the technical sector as a result of the energy transition. There is a significant shortage of personnel in this sector. Additionally, the types of jobs created are very diverse: from solar panel installers to cleanup assistants to enable insulation to be installed. The Climate Jobs Project aims to connect job seekers with these jobs. It is being investigated whether a neighborhood-oriented approach is feasible and desirable.



Residents involved?

Yes (individual)

Mission Pathways

Representatives of Volantis are committed to the following mission pathways:


Climate jobs

For the transition to a sustainable economy, people are needed with new knowledge and skills. This applies to construction, the energy transition, and the greening of existing homes. This requires appropriate training programs, both in vocational and scientific education. There are also pathways needed to retrain people or to impart knowledge about sustainability.


Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Together we increase awareness and engage ambassadors, frontrunners, and exemplary projects aimed at the sustainability of business activities in our cities.


Energy and smart grids

Business parks are large consumers of energy. Sustainable energy from solar and wind is increasingly being generated. By managing demand in combination with storage and a so-called 'smart grid', this can be better aligned with supply.


Network congestion

The demand for and supply of (sustainable) electricity are increasing. All this electricity needs to be transported through the existing cables (the electricity grid). More capacity must be created on the grid as soon as possible, and we will need to make smarter and more optimal use of the grid. This is being addressed at provincial and regional levels, including through the regional taskforce and pMIEK.


Scaling up sustainable business parks

Sustainability of a business park requires a collective approach. This means cooperation between entrepreneurs (association), property owners, suppliers, advisors, and the government.


Sustainability of public space in the city center

The quality of stay in the public space in the city center is paramount. For this, sustainability and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in social activities, shopping, and recreation. It is important for, among other things, countering heat stress.


Sustainability of public space in the neighborhoods

We prioritize the quality of public spaces in our neighborhoods. For this, sustainability, water, and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in meeting and recreation. It is essential for, among other things, combating heat stress and water nuisance.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

For more information: eindhovenduurzaam.nl/klimaatmissie or www.heelhelmondduurzaam.nl

For questions and/or comments you can send an email to: duurzaamheid@eindhoven.nl or energietransitie@helmond.nl

What if we succeed?

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