
Projects of SBH






With the collective collection round, we periodically drive through the business parks to collect pallets, ICT waste, cans, batteries, and other specific waste streams from companies. We bring these to local partners who can recycle them in a high-quality manner. This way, even small quantities of these well-recyclable waste streams no longer end up in the residual waste. Raw materials are becoming scarce and increasingly expensive. With the Raw Materials Round, we focus on the smart exchange of residual and waste streams. Waste from one company becomes a valuable raw material for another. From waste to raw material.




Residents involved?







The traditional method of waste collection, where each company has its residual streams collected individually by different collectors, leads to an abundance of heavy vehicles in business parks and/or the city center. This situation causes traffic congestion, is accompanied by emissions, and affects the infrastructure. To address this, the Foundation for Business Parks Helmond is developing the resource hub. This initiative introduces small, lightweight electric vehicles that frequently visit companies to collect their separated residual streams. Central to this renewed approach is the physical hub: a strategic point where the collected residual streams are brought together for transshipment. From this hub, the residual streams are distributed to the appropriate processing or recycling facilities, resulting in a more streamlined and circular processing of residual streams.


€ 275.000,00




Residents involved?


Other projects where SBH works on:






Climate jobs are jobs that arise in, among others, the technical sector as a result of the energy transition. There is a significant shortage of personnel in this sector. Additionally, the types of jobs created are very diverse: from solar panel installers to cleanup assistants to enable insulation to be installed. The Climate Jobs Project aims to connect job seekers with these jobs. It is being investigated whether a neighborhood-oriented approach is feasible and desirable.



Residents involved?

Yes (individual)

Mission Pathways

Representatives of SBH are committed to the following mission pathways:


(Forward) development of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials

The city centers of Helmond and Eindhoven have a significant urbanization challenge. All new homes that we add will be built in a biobased, circular, and climate-neutral way.


Circular city center and sustainable consumption

In our cities, there are many opportunities for a circular economy. According to the principles of the R-ladder, we will ensure that raw materials, components, and products lose their value as little as possible and that we focus on reusing as much as possible.


Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Together we increase awareness and engage ambassadors, frontrunners, and exemplary projects aimed at the sustainability of business activities in our cities.


Energy and smart grids

Business parks are large consumers of energy. Sustainable energy from solar and wind is increasingly being generated. By managing demand in combination with storage and a so-called 'smart grid', this can be better aligned with supply.


Healthy green working environment

In industrial areas, the risk of waterlogging and heat is often high due to the lack of greenery and the extensive hard surfaces. Damage and nuisance from climate change in industrial areas can be mitigated by designing them to be green and shaded. This makes industrial areas more climate-resilient and improves the quality of the living and working environment.


Regional raw materials market

To prevent new raw materials from being used in construction and industry, a circular raw materials bank can provide a solution. Here, reusable materials are registered and made available.


Scaling up sustainable business parks

Sustainability of a business park requires a collective approach. This means cooperation between entrepreneurs (association), property owners, suppliers, advisors, and the government.


Sustainability of public space in the neighborhoods

We prioritize the quality of public spaces in our neighborhoods. For this, sustainability, water, and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in meeting and recreation. It is essential for, among other things, combating heat stress and water nuisance.


Sustainable and circular business operations

A sustainable and circular economy focuses on reducing consumption, production, and the reuse of products, materials, and raw materials. Companies play an important role in this.


Sustainable mobility and logistics

There are various ways to make mobility in the business park more sustainable. Sustainable commuting to and from work offers various benefits and opportunities. It results in climate gains, it is healthier, and it is often cheaper. Working from home, using public transport or cycling to work, carpooling, or using an electric bike.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

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